Asset Recovery Service

At US Asset Recovery Partners, we specialize in assisting individuals and entities in reclaiming a variety of assets that rightfully belong to them but have remained unclaimed. Our approach includes conducting thorough audits of county and court records, which provide us with essential information and updates on the status of claims. This meticulous process ensures that we can effectively identify and recover assets on behalf of our clients.

Surplus Funds from Real Estate Foreclosures

When a property undergoes a tax deed or mortgage foreclosure, the county holds an auction to recover the unpaid taxes or mortgage amount. Often, these properties sell for more than the initial bid, creating a surplus that rightfully belongs to the former owner. However, many individuals are unaware of these surplus funds, as notification letters are typically sent to outdated addresses.

It's crucial to act swiftly, as there is a specified period within which these claims must be made. Depending on the county, if a claim is not filed in time, the surplus funds are escheated to the county, and the former owner loses the right to claim them.

At US Asset Recovery Partners, we specialize in navigating these complex situations. Our team works diligently with the county to file and process your claim, ensuring that you recover the funds that are rightfully yours before it's too late. We operate on a contingency basis, meaning we only charge our fee once your claim is successful. With us, you face no upfront fees and no risk, only the potential to reclaim what belongs to you. Act now to secure your financial recovery.

Bankruptcy Unclaimed Fund and HUD Refund

In the aftermath of bankruptcy proceedings, there are often unclaimed funds that remain, waiting to be claimed by creditors or former property owners. These funds can arise from various sources within the bankruptcy process, including overpayments, undistributed assets, or funds held in trust. Similarly, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) may owe refunds to individuals who have paid off FHA-insured mortgages or have participated in certain HUD programs.

Navigating the complexities of claiming these funds can be daunting. At US Asset Recovery Partners, we specialize in identifying and recovering these unclaimed funds for our clients. Our team has the expertise to navigate the legal intricacies of bankruptcy courts and HUD regulations, ensuring that you receive the funds you are entitled to.

We understand the importance of timely action in these cases. Our proactive approach and diligent follow-up ensure that your claim is processed efficiently, maximizing your chances of recovery. Partnering with us means you have a dedicated advocate working on your behalf, with no upfront fees. Our compensation is contingent upon the successful recovery of your funds, aligning our interests with yours.

Unclaimed State Funds

Unclaimed state funds represent a surprising yet common opportunity for individuals to recover forgotten money. It may seem hard to believe, but countless people have funds waiting for them that they are unaware of. These funds can originate from a variety of sources, including dormant bank accounts, unclaimed safety deposit boxes, uncashed checks, insurance policies, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and more. When these assets remain unclaimed, they are eventually turned over to the state's treasury.

At US Asset Recovery Partners, we specialize in reuniting individuals with their unclaimed state funds. We work directly with the state to navigate the process of filing a claim. Our expertise ensures that your claim is handled efficiently and accurately, increasing your chances of a successful recovery.

We operate on a no-risk, no-upfront-fee basis, meaning we only get compensated when we successfully recover your funds. Our commitment to transparency and client-centered service makes us the ideal partner in your journey to reclaim what is rightfully yours. Don't let your unclaimed funds remain in the state's treasury—contact us today to start the recovery process.

Our Proven Process

How It Works

At US Asset Recovery Partners, we are guided by our core values of integrity, transparency, and client-centered service in every step of our asset recovery process. Our dedicated team of professionals navigates the complex legal and financial landscapes with these values at the forefront. We strive to ensure that our clients retrieve what is rightfully theirs, providing them with peace of mind and financial security.

Step 1: Let's Connect

To begin the process of reclaiming your assets, we ask you to get in touch with our team. We highly appreciate your input in providing us with the details of the circumstances regarding your loss. This initial conversation will help us gain a thorough understanding of your situation and devise the most suitable strategy to recover what is rightfully yours.

Step 2: Verification and Agreement

Our team of experts will conduct a comprehensive investigation to locate and verify the existence of your forgotten assets. We meticulously analyze records and utilize our expertise to ensure that no fund is left unclaimed. Once we've confirmed the presence of your assets, we'll present you with a clear and transparent agreement that outlines the terms of our partnership and the recovery process.

Step 4: Successful Payout
Step 3: Claim Submission and Follow-Up

The culmination of our efforts is the successful recovery and distribution of your assets to you, the rightful owner or heirs. Our contingency fee is applied only after a successful payout, in accordance with our prior agreement. This fee structure ensures that our interests are aligned with your success, as we are motivated to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

With your agreement in place, we take charge of all the necessary paperwork and legal procedures. Our team expertly navigates the complexities of the claim submission process, ensuring that everything is in order. We are committed to keeping you informed and providing consistent updates throughout the process, so you're never left in the dark.

Your Trusted Partner

Why Work With Us

Choosing US Asset Recovery Partners means partnering with a team that is committed to your success and financial recovery. Here are four reasons why working with us is the right choice:

No Upfront Fees

We believe in earning our reward based on results. That's why we operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay us only when we successfully recover your assets. This approach ensures that our interests are aligned with yours and that you face no financial risk in the recovery process.

in Asset Recovery

Transparent Agreement

Trust and transparency are at the heart of our partnership with you. We provide clear and straightforward agreements that outline the terms of our services, ensuring that you are fully informed and comfortable with every aspect of the process.

Streamlined Claim Process

Navigating the asset recovery process can be complex and time-consuming. Our team of experts streamlines this process for you, handling all the necessary paperwork and legal procedures efficiently. We are dedicated to making the recovery journey as smooth and hassle-free as possible.

Tailored Solutions

Every client's situation is unique, and we understand the importance of personalized service. Our approach is tailored to meet your specific needs and circumstances, ensuring that we devise the most effective strategy for recovering your assets.

Still have questions?

Feel free to contact us with any further questions or begin your journey to reclaim what's rightfully yours.